Use of English and Communication Skills for All Professionals
▪️Rule 1
When the subject in a sentence is singular, the verb should also be singular.
For example:
She (singular subject) goes (singular verb), Not: She go ( plural verb).
Also, when the subject is plural, the verb should be plural.
The girls (plural subject) go (plural verb), Not: The girls (plural subject) goes (Singular verb).
▪️Rule 2
When everybody or everyone is used, the object must be singular, not plural.
For example:
Everybody knows his or her name, Not: Everybody knows their name.
▪️Rule 3
When prayer, suggestion, wish, demand, recommendation, or resolution is used in a sentence, the verb that follows must be plural, whether the subject is singular or plural.
For example:
It has been suggested that
he go not goes away.
The board has Recommended that the manager resign Not: resigns.
I pray that God help me on my upcoming examination, Not: God helps.
▪️Rule 4
This principle states that when there is a list of nouns or pronouns at the level of the subject, it is the nearest noun or pronoun to the position of the verb that will determine the choice of the verb.
For example:
If James fails his examination, his teachers, his parents, his friends, or John ( ) to be blame.
The correct option to fill that blank space is, “is” not “are” because, at the subject level, we have his teachers, his friends, his parents and John ( four different people).
In order to choose the correct verb, we will need to choose the nearest subject to the gap as the subject, which is John.
NOTE: What makes us consider the only one noun or pronoun used in this sentence is because of the use of “or.” However, if the conjunction used is “and,” all the nouns or pronouns used in the sentence will be considered as the subject. I’ll explain better when I get to the type of such concord.
Back to James.
But if the question comes in this manner, the answer will be different,
For example:
If James fails his examination, his teachers, his parents, his friends, or I ( ) to be blame.
The correct answer here is “am,” because the pronoun “I” is the nearest subject to the gap, so if “I” is the subject, the verb that goes with it, is “am.” – the 24 rules of concord.
▪️Rule 5
When many – a is used, the verb and the noun that follows must be Singular.
For example:
Many a candidate (not candidates) speaks ( not speak) bad English expressions.
Many a girl (not girls) is (not are) here.
The actual meaning of statements 1 and 2 are many candidates and many girls.
▪️Rule 6
When “a pair of” is used, the verb must be singular.
For example:
A pair of trousers (not trouser) lies(not lie) on the bed.
A pair of scissors lies (not lie) on the table.
▪️Rule 7
National concord is also called collective noun concord.
A collective noun: is a noun that stands for many units that constitute that single word.
For example:
An audience which means people who watch programs.
The congregation, which means worshipers.
Clergy which means religion officers.
A club, which means the association of members.
So whenever, you use a collective noun, the verb that follows must be a plural verb
For example:
Club: is a collective noun for members, so, we can also say, members of this association.
Our club meet ( not meets) ones in a week.
However, in some situations, a singular verb goes with a collective noun. Here is the principle; If the collective noun performs an action, a plural verb follows, but if not, a singular verb follows.
Our Club is celebrating its twentieth anniversary today.
In the above statement, you can see that; Our Club performs no action, hence, a singular verb is used.
Our Club are (not is) going on a vacation tomorrow.
You can see that; the above sentence is different from the first sentence, here the club is performing an action “going,” hence, we will use a plural verb (are) in compliance with the rule.
The audience are (not is) partial in their judgment of the winner. The answer is “are” because the collective noun (audience) performs an action “judgment.”
▪️Rule 8
The parenthesis statement is an additional statement to what has already been said before.
NOTE: A parenthetical statement should not be considered in choosing the verb that will follow.
For example:
The teacher, not her students is in the class.
The correct answer is, is because ( not her students) is just parenthesis, and parenthesis has nothing to do with choosing the verb.
The manager, not many of his workers, is (not are) here now. not many of his workers is just a parenthesis, therefore, the parenthesis should be ignored.
The manager is a singular noun, hence a singular verb.
▪️Rule 9
When any of these following words are used, the subject of the clause would be the noun and pronoun that comes before the marker of accompaniment.
Words like as much as, alongside, as well as, together with, no less than, in association with, including, like, with, and in collaboration with, etc
Example 1
Mary, as well as her friends, is ( not are) beautiful.
The answer is, “is” because mary is the noun that comes before as well as, hence mary is the subject and it is a singular noun hence a singular verb.
Example 2
The little kids alongside their parents are (not is) here.
The answer is are not is because the little kids come before alongside. The subject is plural hence a plural verb.
▪️Rule 10
More than concord
When more than is used, the word or number that comes after more than will determine the next verb.
For example:
More than two apples are ( not is) here.
More than one oranges is (not are) here.
In the first statement, the answer is “are” not is because two attracts are but in the second statement, the correct option is, “is” not are because one attracts is.
NOTE: Do not think because more than one means at least two, that you will use a plural verb after, no, you will use a singular verb – the 24 rules of concord.
▪️Rule 11
When any of the following words are used, you should use a Singular verb.
Such words as; Everybody, everything, everyone, everywhere, no one, nothing, nobody, nowhere, something, someone, somebody, anyone, anything, anybody, anywhere and each. the next verb must be singular.
For example:
Nothing goes ( not go).
Everybody likes (not like) him.
Everybody thinks (not think) he stole the money.
▪️Rule 12
When who, whose, which and that refers to a previously mentioned noun or pronoun, such noun is a Relative noun
One of the farmers who plant (not plants) on the farm has (not have) been asked to withdraw.
▪️Rule 13.
When two subjects are joined by Either or, neither nor the verb agrees with the subject that is near.
1. Either Chetna or Yamini is to do this work.
2. Neither Shashak nor his friends are studying.
▪️Rule 15
One of always takes a plural noun after it.
Example 1. It is one of the important days in my life.
2. One of my friends promoted.
▪️Rule 16
Accompaniment concord-When any of these following words are used, the subject of the clause would be the noun and pronoun that comes before the marker of accompaniment.
Words like as much as, alongside, as well as, together with, no less than, in association with, including, like, with, and in collaboration with, etc.
Example 1.
Mary, as well as her friends, is (not are) beautiful.
The answer is," is" because Mary is the noun that comes before as well as, hence Mary is the subject and it is a singular noun hence a singular verb.
▪️Rule 17
When two singular nouns are joined by and point out the same thing or person, the verb will be singular.
1. Bread and butter makes a good breakfast.
2. The Principal and the Head Master are on leave
▪️Rule 18
More than concord: When than is used, the word or number that comes after more than will determine the next verb.
1. More than two apples are (not is) here.
2. More than one orange is (not are) here,
▪️Rule 19
Indefinite pronoun concord: When any of the following words are used, you should use a singular verb such words as, everybody, everything everyone everywhere and each the next verb must be singular.
1. Nothing goes(not go)
2. Everybody likes(not like) him.
3. Everybody thinks(not think) he stole the money.
▪️Rule 20
Plurale Tantum: Pluralia (Plurale) tantum is a noun that comes in plural form and does not have a singular variant for referring to a single object. Some of these words have s' at their end, while some do not. However, whenever any of the following forms appear, it must receive a singular verb.
Diseases: Shingles Mumps, Measles, etc,
Subjects: Physics, economics, mathematics, civics, etc.
Games: Snakes and ladders, billiards, bowls and skittles.
▪️Rule 21
Countable nouns are nouns that can be quantified in units and numbers, that is, are nouns that can be counted.
For Example - Chairs, Tables, Phones, and so forth. Uncountable nouns are nouns that cannot be quantified in units and numbers.
For example - Water, information, Equipment.
▪️Rule 22
When two subjects are joined together by and but the two subjects refer to only one person or thing, a singular verb should be used.
Example - Our principal and mathematics teacher knows me.
▪️Rule 23
CO-ORDINATE CONCORD: When two subjects are joined together by and, the verb to be used should be plural.
1. James and John are (not is) here.
2. Elizabeth and Johnson know (not Knows) me.
▪️Rule 24
When a collective name, denoting category (not a collective noun) is used, the verb to be used must be plural.
Categories like: the poor, the rich, the wealthy, the successful, the gifted, the weak, the young in spirit, the handicapped, the helpless, and so forth. The verb to be used should be plural.
1. The poor need help (not helps or needs) from the government.
2. The young are (not is disobedient.)
▪️Rule 25
When amount or unit is mentioned in a statement, units such as five thousand, three hundred, parent, twenty meters, five times, and so on. The next verb must be singular.
1. Two pounds for flour is (not are) too few to bake a cake.
2. Ten percent of my earnings goes (not go) to my wife.
▪️Rule 26
When every precedes a plural, the next verb is plural.
Examples- 1. Every ten liters of oil bought come (not comes) with a bonus of an extra liter.
Rule 27. Most or Much Concord: When most is used, the verb will either be singular or plural, depending on whether the referent is a countable or countable noun.
Example- Much of the water has (not have) been spilled.
▪️Rule 28
When all appears, it means either every or all people.
When all means everything, the verb to be used should be singular but when all means all the people, the verb to be used should be plural.
Examples - All are already seated in the hall.
In the above sentence All" means all the people are already seated in the hall hence a plural verb.
▪️Rule 29
Subjects never come before verbs in questions.
Example Who is the class advisor?
▪️Rule 30
Prepositional phrases concord: It is interesting to note that, phrases between the subject and verb do not affect the agreement.
The message of the painting is very clear.
▪️Rule 31
The subject will always be placed after the verb, if sentences start with here or there'
Here are the books that you love to read.
▪️Rule 32.
Title of the books, movies, novels, and other similar works, considered singular noun and take singular verb.
Satyakaam is a movie starring Dharmendra.
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