Behaviour of school children

Learning is an integral part of life. We learn and unlearn many things from our day to day experience.Since we learn things, we can also unlearn those things. Behavior is such a term which we use commonly and yet we may not be aware of its exact meaning. We talk about behavior using the term such as hard working, kind, sociable, ungrateful  independent  selfish etc.. However if we analyse, these terms do not refer to the specific things we note in a person, when for instance, we say hard working or selfish. The behavioral counseling approach is based on this assumption of learning and unlearning different aspects of behavior  We tend to acquire and continue those behaviors that are approved, reinforced and rewarded ;whereas behaviour that is not approved or considered undesirable tend to disappear. In general, we may understand what selfish behavior means or nervous behavior means; but we may not know the person's nervousness refers to his nail-biting, or fidgeting, or pacing in the room? Thus the behavioral approach makes use of principles of reward, reinforcement and punishment to bring about desired changes in behaviour. However this approach was mechanical in nature which assumed that human behaviour is governed by external stimuli only.
Human beings is not so mechanical as to be regulated by the S- R (stimulus - response) mechanism. What about the thoughts, perception  feelings and beliefs of the human beings? Hence it is not only the mechanical acquisition of physical responses, but the perception of the situation by the child also gets associated with physical responses. This leads to the emergence of cognitive behavioral approach.
Essentially behaviour is anything that a person says or does. Behaviour modifier generally talk very precisely about the behaviour. This helps in focusing on the particular aspects of behaviour, which needs to be changed. Behaviour also need to be described either as behavioral deficits or behavioral excesses.
Behaviour or habit is framed by what happens before and what happens after the behaviour is carried out.


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