Learning disabilities LD

There are many areas which focuses on developmental problems of children and how these problems can be handled through various measures /counseling.
The most commonly known developmental problem faced by children is LD(Learning Disability), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Anxiety Disorder (AD) Disorders such as  Enuresis, Encropresis, Sleep Walking, Tics, Autism, etc..
LD is a kind of disorder where inadequate development may be manifested in language, speech  math, or in motor skill area. This may or may not be due to physiological or neurological defect.
Most common subtype of learning disability is Dyslexia which is collectively known as reading writing difficulty or vice versa.
In LD children find difficulty in recognizing and reading comprehension  often he/she is found markedly deficient in spelling as well as in reading.
The learning disability children are generally identified during the early years of childhood, because of the apparent disparity between their expected academic achievement level and their actual academic performance in one or more subjects such as Maths, English  Hindi etc.
These children have an average IQ and do not have emotional problems nor do they seem to be lacking in motivation or cooperation.
