Real Efforts, Time and Attention Steer Children in the Right Direction

Real efforts, Time and Attention Steer Children in the Right Direction
If you are a parent, it’s probably a given that you want your kids to succeed in life. But in reality, most people grow up to be just average and some individuals have things which do not go their way at all. If you truly want your children to have the best shot of rising to the top, you need to expend real effort, time and attention to steer them in the right direction. Here are several things the best parents do, according to research.
They allow their kids to be bored.
While you might think that kids who do not have enough to do get into trouble, constructive boredom is actually important for their mental and emotional growth. Researchers have found that when people are constructively bored they look for and find satisfying activities to fill the void. In this way, boredom forces young people to be creative when they pick up a book, build a fort, make cookies, draw something or turn on the computer. If parents are constantly scheduling activities for kids they do not learn how to find things to do with their own leisure time. One of the best things you can do is to make them go outside. Experts say when they play in nature kids are more apt to come up with their own games.
They live in areas with a lot of vegetation.
Researchers studied satellite images and data regarding more than 900,000 people in Denmark and determined that children raised in areas with the lowest levels of green space had up to a 55 percent higher chance of having a psychiatric disorder. They believe it is because areas with trees, grass and other vegetation support mental restoration, promote exercise, provide a place for people to be social and bolster the immune system.
They read to their kids.
If you want teenagers who do well academically, start by reading to them and talking with them about books before they even enter school. Researchers tested 229 German children when they were between the ages of three and five, and then again when they were 12 or 13 years old. The little kids with parents who read to them, talked with them about books, and included books about numbers and counting ended up having higher reading and mathematics skills when they were older.
They put their phones down.
Researchers have found a link between behaviour problems in kids with parents looking at their phones or using screens to pacify kids. It is because kids acting badly cause stress for parents who tend to use their mobile device as a distraction, either for themselves or for their kids. But doing so means they are missing head-up interactions which can help them be better parents. "We need to be watching, listening and gathering evidence so we can respond in the right way and help our children develop their own self-regulation skills," pediatrician Jenny Radesky says.
Cosmos E. Kwaw
M.Ed., B.Ed., L.L.B, Cert.( A.D.R)
