The significance of GURU is immense in our sanskriti.
Guru is synthesis of 2 words <Gu> means <darkness/ignorance> and <Ru> means <light/eliminate>. Hence, GURU means one who eliminates the darkness of ignorance from our life and enlightens us with his wisdom.  When we sign in to earth, other than parents, we need someone to hold our finger to help us sail smoothly. Someone, who facilitate us to transform our dreams, therefore, teacher is the only source of enlightenment on this planet. It is a supreme power who has guide us or direct us how to steer our boat to ultimate destination of life. Every creature is deported to planet Earth with a mission, especially, human beings.
The significance of guru in our life is immense. Our hymns, holy books have special mention about the same.
Guru gobind dou khade.....
Guru Vishnu, gurur Bruhma....
Guru is a divine power. Ever since the mankind came into existence the Guru-chela (Teacher-Disciple) relationship got established. Spiritual Guru is a cosmic power which helps us attain moksh (self actualisation) last stage of being human. In Maslow need hierarchy self actualisation is at the peak of the pyramid, which cannot be attained without assistance of Guru.
Following any spiritual saint or being the follower of any religion doesn't mean that we have found a GURU. It's not that easy to be blessed with a righteous personality who can be called as a guru.
As a wanderer we travel on this planet, but we understand the meaning of life only when we are guided by Guru. Teacher must galvanise the pupils. Children are like a wet clay who have to be moulded by a teacher. Guru is a true mentor, whose presence in life makes it meaningful.
Neeraj Mohan Puri.
Modern Sandeepni School


  1. Well-said, sir. The role a guru has been depicted efficaciously. Waiting for the next write-up.


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