Water bell period 2

• Dr. Suganthi: A very thought provoking article. Its true that a few  schools ignore the cleanliness of the washrooms. Very well scripted.
But it would be better if the Water-bell-period concept is elaborated.
How it is implemented? Are the students volunteering in this or the teachers take up the job? Has the number of students drinking water  increased?
As the article itself says that the girls don't drink water to avoid using the washroom. Not because they forget to drink. In this scenario, having a period for drinking water is it helping? If so how?
Dont we need to concentrate more on the cleaniness?
May be the process/ execution of Water bell period can be briefed.
• Leader. Ms. Leena Rai Kalra UNV:  Water bell period is a new and innovative concept to be implemented in schools and yes to remove the drastic after effects of dehydration is the need of the hour.
But alongwith the rest rooms too need to be well maintained and taken care of to make them sterilised everytime and simultaneously the counselling to be initiated for the girl students especially to make them understand the natural call without any feeling of guilt and shame and every child to be inculcated with the significance of handwash routine
• Leader. Ms. Leena Rai Kalra UNV: And agree upon the thing that most of the times this is such area which remain neglected in comparison to it needs the maximum attention and care to be hygienically sound to decrease the infections of urinary tract and other related health issues.
• Leader. Ms. Leena Rai Kalra UNV: Parents and teachers to be counselled and prepared in such a manner that they themselves motivate the students for the hydration of their bodies well and similarly the clean drinking water facility should be provided by the management as the right of every individual in school
• Mrs. Sunita Singh: Many schools practising short break for this purpose only
• Dr Shakila Banu UNV: Water bell period which is also called as snack break or short break is given for students to relax use toilets as many children start early in the morning.
And I am very particular in keeping the toilets clean. It's a rule in my school that morning before children start coming the toilets should washed nd then again after short break nd after lunch break must and should be cleaned with soap water and phenyl. Every day I will go on rounds nd confirm cleanliness. Not only toilets even the class room floors stairs lunch prayer areas must be clean as I believe in this hadith ,"cleanliness is next to Godliness".
• Leader. Ms. Leena Rai Kalra UNV: Every body is doing in one or the other way like we have fruit break for ten min to let kids enjoy one fruit daily to inculcate the same habit on them and that time too is utilised for washroom and drinking water purpose but the term coined is something innovative water bell
• Leader. Ms. Leena Rai Kalra UNV: Similarly I feel 90-99% of schools are particular about the cleanliness and hygiene of these sensitive areas
• Mrs. Madhumita Jana UNV: The amount of fluid a child needs depends on many factors such as their age,the weather and how much physical activity they do.
Every school has short breaks or snack breaks but very few schools are able to monitor if the break time is utilised for drinking water, going to washroom or for playing and wasting those few minutes in some activity which children love.
Parents at home and teachers in school should remind children to drink water regularly especially in hot weather. The physical instructor or the games teacher should make it compulsory for the students to drink water after the Mass Drill Session and games period before they start with the next class. Like wise the other teachers too should spare 2 to 3 minutes in allowing the students to consume water depending on the situation, activities conducted and time of the day . As we all know children do not drink enough water during the school hours and the resulting dehydration contributes to various health problems.
Studies show that adequate intake of water improves mental performance.
• Mrs. Jayashree UNV: Very good morning all. In our School we have this system of water bell..We have two bells . An automated electric bell that tells period completion. Another Gong bell which is rung every 1 hour . As per the instructions  students will drink water  .This is found very useful for all kids. Infact even staff also have started drinking..In the past 3 months we are seeing a lot of healthy environment.
