Effects of Negative Thinking

Effects of Negative Thinking
¶ Mrs. Farhana khan UNV

A tunnel with no light in the end: Over thinking leads you into a dark tunnel which has no light in the end causing emotional pain, guilt and trauma. ... Negative thinking has an immediate, destructive impact on your life, because the moment you have a negative thought, it’s already: Hindering you from achieving something that you want and making you feel worse.

Keep in mind that the less value your mind sees in negative thinking, the easier it is for it to let go of negative thoughts. For this reason, it's in your best interest to not build up a lot of negative value in your mind about how 'horrible' the effects of negative thinking are.

Become the observer of your thoughts? If not, you’ll certainly benefit from assessing the kind of mindset you have, because if you find out that you predominantly think negative thoughts, you’ll have the opportunity to change them.

See, when you think negative thoughts a lot, those thoughts affect your emotions. Then, your emotions affect your behavior. Let’s take a look at an example. Take a look at the following negative thoughts:
• I’m no good.
• I fail at everything I try.
• Why do I have to be such a loser?
• I’m not smart.
• No one likes me.
• I always struggle.

You may even feel quite hopeless at times. The way you think affects your emotions and your emotions affect your behavior. For example, if you think negatively often, you’ll feel sad often, and that will affect your behavior. You may feel tired a lot and not have any gumption to get out of the house. You may not be able to have a relationship because you are sad all the time. You may not be able to go to work regularly due to anxiety or depression. All of these behaviors ultimately stem from your thought life.

How to change your thoughts

Start with observing your thoughts and write down the negative thoughts you tend to think a lot. Then, take those negative thoughts and write some positive affirmations concerning them. Then, speak those positive affirmations as often as you can. For example, if you tend to think the thought, “I’m not good enough to get what I want”, then write this affirmation:

Then, say that out loud as many times as you can per day. Do this for other negative thoughts too, so that you are countering such thoughts with positive ones. Over time, your thoughts will begin to change and you’ll begin to notice that you catch yourself right when you think a negative thought and change it right then and there.
