25 Adjectives to Describe a PARENT
Hi English learners. Welcome to a new lesson. We are going to look at 25 adjectives to describe a parent.
- Accepting
- Affectionate
- Careless
- Caring
- Committed
- Conscientious
- Devoted
- Distressed
- Empathetic
- Exemplary
- Fond
- Generous
- Helpful
- Honest
- Humble
- Negligent
- Patient
- Playful
- Protective
- Resilient
- Resourceful
- Selfish
- Sensible
- Strict
- Supportive
Meaning: open and tolerant.
- My dad was an accepting parent, supportive and tolerant at all times.
Meaning: a parent who shows that he/she loves and cares for their child.
- Our mother hugged and kissed us a lot; she would always praise our effort to learn new things. She was an affectionate parent.
Meaning: a parent who doesn’t show interest in his/her children.
- Being a careless mother, Lynda let her children do whatever they wanted.
Meaning: supportive, sympathetic and kind.
- There is no doubt that Bridget is a caring mother.
Meaning: loyal to your children and willing to invest time and energy in them.
- What a committed parent Celia is! She spends so much time doing homework with her children.
Meaning; a parent who is always mindful and caring towards their children.
- My parents were thoughtful and contentious, always willing to help and give advice to us.
Meaning: a parent who is full of love for their children and supports them in everything.
- A devoted parent never gives up and always finds time for their child.
Meaning: a parent who is worried and upset.
- The baby’s mother was so distressed that she couldn’t talk.
Meaning: a parent who is able to understand how his/her child feels because they used to be a child too.
- As his son began to complain, Martin became empathetic and lowered the tone.
Meaning: a parent who is able to provide an example for their child to copy.
- Simon is an exemplary father who is giving a lot of love and affection to his children.
Meaning: a fond parent shows love and admiration for his/her children.
- Sandra seemed strict but she was a fond mother, full of love for her children.
Meaning: a parent who gives money and help to their child.
- What a generous mother you are! You bought your daughter a piano.
Meaning: a parent who is willing to help.
- My mother was the most helpful parent I know. She would do homework with us, play with us and was always there for us.
Meaning: a parent who always tells the truth to their children and never lies or cheats.
- I’ll always remember my dad as an honest person who’d never lied to us.
Meaning: a parent who is trying to be equal to their children, not special or more important in any way.
- Humble parents share power with their children.
Meaning: a parent who doesn’t care much or doesn’t pay enough attention to his/her children.
- Luke was a negligent parent who never cared about his children’s needs.
Meaning: a parent who is capable of dedicating his/her time to their children without becoming angry.
- I remember my mother as a patient person who always had time for us and our problems.
Meaning: a parent who likes playing with their children.
- Nina is a playful mother who enjoys playing with her children.
Meaning: a parent who gives protection to his/her children.
- Henry made an excuse for his son’s behaviour because he was a protective father.
Meaning: a strong parent who is able to get back to normal after something bad has happened.
- We were able to go through the horrors of war thanks to my father who was a resilient man.
Meaning: a parent who is good at finding ways to solve problems.
- My parents were strong and resourceful; they always helped us in finding the way out of our problems.
Meaning: a parent who doesn’t think much about their children but mostly about themselves.
- Children who have selfish parents tend to suffer from depression later in life.
Meaning: reasonable.
- My mother was a sensible woman who took very good care of our health and safety.
Meaning: a parent who demands their children to obey certain rules.
- We learned to be on time because our father was a strict man; we were not allowed to be late home, especially at night.
Meaning: a parent who encourages his/her children and helps them achieve their goals.
- Novak Djokovic could never make it without his supportive parents.
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